Thursday, November 13, 2008

Hypnotherapy can help with weight loss and weight management in many ways

  • Developing a new self image. See yourself in the future after losing weight and make that your desired future outcome.
  • Learn to be more relaxed about weight loss and weight management. Stress is often a serious factor in bad diet and comfort eating.
  • Positive thinking about weight and diet. Stop worrying about your weight and about weight loss and start looking forward to losing weight and achieving your goals.
  • Create a self-fulfilling prophecy. In other words, start to feel better about yourself. This will help you to lose weight and, of course, losing weight will help you to feel even better about who you are and what you can achieve. The whole thing becomes a very positive cycle which goes round and round. Most people expect to have to lose weight in order to feel good about themselves. Interestingly, when you start to feel good about yourself, weight loss, health and happiness often follow.

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